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Cabinet Members

Portfolio Portfolio Holder
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Minister for the Civil Service

First Lord of the Treasury

Justin Trudeau
Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Lord President of the Council

Leader of the House of Commons

Sophie in 't Veld
First Secretary of State

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

Nick Clegg
Chancellor of the Exchequer Paul Martin
Secretary of State for the Home Department Hillary Clinton
Secretary of State for the Digital Economy Olli Rehn
Secretary of State for Justice

Lord Chancellor

Barack Obama
Secretary of State for International Trade

President of the Board of Trade

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
Secretary of State for Defence Kenneth Clarke
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Jimmy Carter
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Yvette Cooper
Secretary of State for Industry Vince Cable
Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills Angela Merkel
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Tim Farron
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Helen Zille
Secretary of State for Education Kirsty Williams
Secretary of State for Equalities Cecilia Wikström
Secretary of State for Transport Christine Lagarde
Secretary of State for Health Norman Lamb
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Al Gore
Secretary of State for International Development Shirley Williams
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Nicola Beer
Lord Privy Seal

Leader of the House of Lords

Paddy Ashdown
Chief Secretary to the Treasury Elizabeth Warren
Also Attending Cabinet
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury

Government Chief Whip

Andrew Leslie
Minister for the Cabinet Office Mmusi Maimane
Attorney General for England and Wales Loretta Lynch
Minister without portfolio

Chair of Campaigns and Communications

Howard Dean
Financial Secretary to the Treasury Chuka Umunna
Minister of State for the Armed Forces Ruth Davidson
Minister of State for Housing and Planning Julian Castro
Also attending cabinet meetings when their ministerial responsibilities are on the agenda
Minister of State for Emergency Services, Criminal Justice and Rights of Victims  Brian Paddick, Baron Paddick
Minister for Young Citizens and Youth Engagement Mhairi Black

Prime Minister's Team


Prime Minister and Cabinet Office

Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Minister for the Civil Service

First Lord of the Treasury

Justin Trudeau
Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Lord President of the Council

Sophie in 't Veld

(also Leader of the House of Commons)

First Secretary of State Nick Clegg

(also Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary)

Minister without portfolio

Chair of Campaigns and Communications

Howard Dean
Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Prime Minister Julie Elliott
John Shipley, Baron Shipley
Cabinet Office
Minister for the Cabinet Office

Paymaster General

Mmusi Maimane
Minister for Young Citizens and Youth Engagement Mhairi Black
Minister for Volunteering, Charities and Social Enterprise Raj Loomba, Baron Loomba
Minister for Public Engagement and Public Confidence in Politics Martin Bell
Minister for Political and Constitutional Reform Willie Rennie

Downing Street Staff

10 Downing Street
Downing Street Chief of Staff
Downing Street Director of Communications
Downing Street Press Secretary
Prime Minister's Spokesman
Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office